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Keep Readers Interested: Recycle Key Posts and Update Blog Content

Monday 8 September 2014

7 minute read

By Sarah Burns

We know as well as anyone that creating good content week after week - more than once - can be hard work. Which is why we want to let you in on some secrets on keeping content fresh...

Nobody has the time to create fantastic content all of the time for their company blog, additionally, it's hard to keep your posts feeling fresh when they have a short shelf life at the top of your blog index.

These steps are guaranteed to improve your blog engagement rates, as well as making your life a little bit easier...

Introduce an "Update" blog post

Why not keep readers informed with a 'Weekly Round Up' or a 'Monthly Look Ahead' post? If you're a bi-weekly blogger, you've instantly got an extra blog with a 'Monthly Look Ahead', in which you can brief readers on upcoming blog posts, events and news with your company. 

If you're a regular blogger and social media poster, incorporating a weekly or fortnightly 'Round Up' is ideal for ensuring that readers don't miss anything in your busy content schedule. 

Avoid content duplication at all costs

You may be a niche company, but you shouldn't wear topics out. Each blog post should have a different purpose or target audience. If not, your regular readers will spot it and mark you down as someone who has already tired themselves out.

Try mixing up links with new titles in blog posts, to encourage click through and produce posts with a new angle.

Create multimedia to "mix things up"

Dull blog posts? Why not try a podcast or webinar? Creating multimedia is an instant fix for a blog that's looking (and sounding) a little tired. 

If you want to know more about creating audio and video for your blog and content strategy, read one of our past blogs on just that...

Schedule your messaging and target different buyer personas

Use an Editorial Calendar, such as ours, to target messaging and keep abreast of who is producing what and when - vital for a larger marketing and content team. If you need help clarifying ideas and ensuring you're "covering all bases", this is an equally important tool for you.

Download our Editorial Calendar now

Email campaigns are perfect for spreading the message of your blog

Share your messaging and blogs with an email sign-up for instant blog updates.

Ideally, you will have a monthly email campaign going out which will include a link to your blog / last X amount of blog posts. 

Resources are next-level content

Don't just produce blog posts, but consider internally - or outsourcing to a company like Thrive - producing eBooks and downloadable resources, instantly improving your marketing and opening up your company to a realm of new business options. 

Sharing and updating posts is vital

Keep sharing blog posts, old and new, to attract a wider audience. Use social media to re-share posts that haven't done well or are still relevant, despite the time lapse since posting. If the post really isn't working, look over it and see if it suits your audience. No? Adapt content, keywords, titles and imagery and re-try.

Build new audiences and share again

Always share with social media, even months later (as long as it's relevant, see above advice) but don't stop with Facebook and Twitter. Change your messaging for all platforms and share on LinkedIn, Google+ and even LinkedIn Blogs. 

Don't forget guest blogging is great for getting your name, reputation and website links out there.

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